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  • M&mbm

    Hello, just stumbled across this site whilst searching for growing tips for Pepita cucumbers.

    I live in Essex, try to cram far too much into what I consider to be too small a garden, and miss the allortment I used to have when I lived in Oxfordshire.

    I do a little bit of gardening for other people, which means my own garden is sometimes neglected. At present the garden is in turmoil because I'm getting rid of the lawn in favour of gravel, slabs, and low growing herbs and interesting plants. I hope these will put up with the extremes we get locally better than the grass.

    I like growing veg but the space I have is too shady for courgettes and other curcurbits, because the lack of light means I get too few female flowers. I have just planted som asparagus crowns instead.

    I am a writer; a novelist in waiting. My literary agent is at present trying to place my first crime novel with a publisher. I'd love to write articles on gardening. I used to edit "Groundswell", a newsletter from the Chilterns and Oxfordshire Organic Group. In practice this meant writing at least one piece per newsletter.

    Although I tend towards organic practices, I am not zealous about it.

    Although I'm a writer, I'm a terrible typist, and often don't see the typos until after I've pressed "post". This leads to frequent leg pulling. I am also a technophobe, which means i find it hard to figure out how to post pictures etc, but I will try.


    I hope to visit often.

  • #2
    Welcome M&MBM. This is an excellent site. I too am new but already people have been kind to my queries. I too live in Essex, which is a GREAT county. I am too old to be an Essex girl anyway! Any questions - somebody is bound to be able to answer them. Sanjo


    • #3
      Hello there- and welcome!
      Good to have you on board...hopefully you'll be able to help us out with our questions!!!
      Watch out for the crazy ones on here though....I'm sure they'll be around soon!!
      "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

      Location....Normandy France


      • #4
        Thanks guys. Crazy ones? Sounds like I'll be at home, then.


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