Hi All,
We have just been able to get hold of 1 1/2 allotments after having our names on a waiting list since October last year. I can't express how exciting it's all been since we went down to the allotment for the first time to choose our plot just two weeks ago (because we were only wanting one!) to paying up and then starting on the plot. Because there was a spare half plot next to ours the secretary said we were welcome to take that one on so we did!! Overall size is 45ft by 90ft. Huge!!!! especially when it is covered in rubbish and weeds that have been accumulating over a minimum of 1year.
We love it and have been spending all available / spare time there, we have even been packing packed lunches and flasks to get as much done as possible. The kids love the allotment and have already made new friends as the lottie holder next door to us has two young children roughly the same age as our 2 that are 6 and 4.
We already have a manure pile reasy for the pumpkins and butternut squash thanks to my mates horses and we have planted just under 200 potatoes of 5 different types, shallots and onions. We are now trying to get the next patch ready for the beans and peas plus make an area at the rear flat and hard for a shed which should be arriving sometime in the week (we need somewhere to boil a kettle!) .
This allotment is really becoming an addiction, we all love it so much and my only regret is why didn't we do this sooner!!
We have just been able to get hold of 1 1/2 allotments after having our names on a waiting list since October last year. I can't express how exciting it's all been since we went down to the allotment for the first time to choose our plot just two weeks ago (because we were only wanting one!) to paying up and then starting on the plot. Because there was a spare half plot next to ours the secretary said we were welcome to take that one on so we did!! Overall size is 45ft by 90ft. Huge!!!! especially when it is covered in rubbish and weeds that have been accumulating over a minimum of 1year.
We love it and have been spending all available / spare time there, we have even been packing packed lunches and flasks to get as much done as possible. The kids love the allotment and have already made new friends as the lottie holder next door to us has two young children roughly the same age as our 2 that are 6 and 4.
We already have a manure pile reasy for the pumpkins and butternut squash thanks to my mates horses and we have planted just under 200 potatoes of 5 different types, shallots and onions. We are now trying to get the next patch ready for the beans and peas plus make an area at the rear flat and hard for a shed which should be arriving sometime in the week (we need somewhere to boil a kettle!) .
This allotment is really becoming an addiction, we all love it so much and my only regret is why didn't we do this sooner!!