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  • Newbie Here

    We are an elderly couple living in a very rural area, we have bred dogs for many years, kept chickens ducks and sheep, we have fewer dogs now. We have started to grow our own in pots, we have also used an old feed trough hooked onto a weldmesh fence this has had pak choi and dwarf french beans, pak choi is over but the dwarf beans some of the plants have what I would describe as leaf wilt, I wonder if this is over watering after the rain of the past few days, in the past we grew a lot of veg, but lost the battle with rabbits up here, we are making use of our well fenced runs and are trying again.
    Any hints will be appreciated.
    The first peppers are showing fruit, we have zuccini marrow cucumber salad, basil is slow chard and put in some leeks today.
    We are in the Wolds lovely and sunny today

  • #2
    Welcome rdmstff I put a lot of the current problems down to the weather recently.Plants are amazing things because if things aren't going to well they put all their effort in to reproducing seed even at the expense of lower leaves which normally turn yellow or wilt or even drop off.The reason a plant exists is purely to reproduce.
    The greatness comes not when things go always good for you,but the greatness comes when you are really tested,when you take,some knocks,some disappointments;because only if youv'e been in the deepest valley can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain.


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