Hi there everyone !
I have just joined tonight and found the forum very intresting and everyone seems to give helpfull advice to each other.
Well were do I start ! My dear father passed away very sudden last August
as being an only child I inherited the farmhouse (which is non-working) which has 7 acres of field and a small stable block. We decided to buy a static caravan that is situated in the yard whilst we renovate the house as it does need completley gutting !
.. I am using my inheritence money to re-build the house and with all the money I am forking out I have the ideal opportunity to grow my own vegtable patch and would really like to buy a few hens and possible a goat ! I would also like a few geese and a friend suggest they are better than a guard dog !!!! With all the recent rises in fuel and household foods looming I am worried enough going from a 2 bedroom terrace to a 5 bedroom farmhouse and really want to be self suffient to a possible high standard !! I was looking at growing my own potatoes but my hubby says they are difficult to grow along with apple trees and really wanted some advice and which vegtables or fruit as 'a starter' I have scanned a few websites and this seems the most helpfull .... Can anyone help with where to start ? A friend mentioned buy the time you buy hens and buy the feed for them it is not worth having them for cheap eggs etc .... is this true ? ..... any help would be much appreciated as I am no good with things like this
Kind regards, Bully-Bonce (Grt Manchester)
I have just joined tonight and found the forum very intresting and everyone seems to give helpfull advice to each other.
Well were do I start ! My dear father passed away very sudden last August

Kind regards, Bully-Bonce (Grt Manchester)