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Devon low-impact beekeeper


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  • Devon low-impact beekeeper

    Bees have been in the news a lot - usually because they are 'disappearing' - but are they just trying to tell us that there is something wrong with the way we 'keep' them?

    Pesticides have been proven guilty in the mass killing of bees in Germany and France, but the British Beekeeping Association actually endorses pesticides in return for cash, and refuses to speak out against their use!

    And did you know that many garden composts now contain pesticides that are lethal to bees?

    These are issues that concern me as a beekeeper - happy to discuss them with other beekeepers, actual or potential.
    Last edited by Shortie; 23-06-2008, 12:17 PM.
    The Barefoot Beekeeper Podcast

  • #2
    hi beesontoast

    welcome to the vine. I garden organically, and hopefully the bees like my garden....
    in fact I had loads in the garden a couple of weeks ago. Ive now found that actually they were building a nest (is that the correct term or is it hive). Only problem is its underground below my newly made gravel path. There must be hundreds in there.

    I covered up the entrance and then 30 minutes later uncovered it again - feeling really guilty, after all they are doing what comes naturally, and i havent been stung or anything like that.

    Im feeling that they can use it this year, but not next. Is there a safe time to cover it up when its dormant?

    Also am i now a beekeeper too ?

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