Hallo everyone. Im Divvy and I'm new to this site. I live in Surrey and have just decided that my small garden is a waste of land if just turned to flowers . So I'm planting fruit bushes in between and dwarf fruit trees dotted about the borders.You can expect a lot of questions from me as I'm a complete beginner in this field.I thank you all for your help and understanding.
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Welcome divvy.You'll get lots of advice on here.I have been growing veg for over 30 years but like yourself am a novice fruit grower but am learning a lot on here!The greatness comes not when things go always good for you,but the greatness comes when you are really tested,when you take,some knocks,some disappointments;because only if youv'e been in the deepest valley can you ever know how magnificent it is to be on the highest mountain.
Another convert ~ welcome!
Read up on your chosen fruit before you go buying and planting. They like different conditions y'know. Dr Hessayon's Fruit Expert is a great start. from �1.89 on amazon: Amazon.co.uk: The Fruit Expert (Expert Books): D.G. Hessayon: BooksAll gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.
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