Hello from a newbie 
I found this site when searching the net for information on allotments. Having been fortunate in being able to take early reitrement I was looking forward to spending more time travelling around the British Isles with our caravan. Calamity Brown has curtailed that,
what with the rises in tax, fuel and energy. So as I am fortunate in that I have a small plot of unused land I thought I'd give "growing my own" a go. However not having done anything like this before I'm going to be needing some help and advice. So hopefully this is where this site will prove useful.
My first question: Does anyone know of any Gardening Clubs in the Port Talbot area?

I found this site when searching the net for information on allotments. Having been fortunate in being able to take early reitrement I was looking forward to spending more time travelling around the British Isles with our caravan. Calamity Brown has curtailed that,

My first question: Does anyone know of any Gardening Clubs in the Port Talbot area?