hello all,
just found this site while looking for info on what to do with the melons i planted from seed months ago,i have fine looking healthy plants and not a clue what to do with them! the seed packet had no growing info at all and every gardener around where i stay say i should bin them and not even try as it is too much hassle, but i want to taste home-grown melon and unless it dies, im not giving up!
Any advice will be greatly received
Iain B
just found this site while looking for info on what to do with the melons i planted from seed months ago,i have fine looking healthy plants and not a clue what to do with them! the seed packet had no growing info at all and every gardener around where i stay say i should bin them and not even try as it is too much hassle, but i want to taste home-grown melon and unless it dies, im not giving up!
Any advice will be greatly received
Iain B
