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Clueless Melon Grower


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  • Clueless Melon Grower

    hello all,
    just found this site while looking for info on what to do with the melons i planted from seed months ago,i have fine looking healthy plants and not a clue what to do with them! the seed packet had no growing info at all and every gardener around where i stay say i should bin them and not even try as it is too much hassle, but i want to taste home-grown melon and unless it dies, im not giving up!
    Any advice will be greatly received


    Iain B

  • #2
    Hello and welcome
    sorry can't help with the melons, my first time growing this year and they look rubbish
    Good luck with yours though


    • #3
      Melons are the same 'tribe' as marrows and cucumbers. I think they need a bit more warmth, but otherwise, try treating them like marrows or courgettes. I would have thought you should have flowers (or even the beginnings of fruit) by now, but don't give up.
      Never tried growing them, but I think I remember reading that they like muck (not TOO fresh) need quite a lot of water, but mustn't be 'drowned', can't offer any more.
      Flowers come in too many colours to see the world in black-and-white.


      • #4
        Welcome to the Vine Elmer. I think you're probably a bit north of me in a colder corner.
        There's been lots on here about growing melons but you can see this thread.
        Do let us know how you get on. Interesting to see how far north it can be done.
        I'm 56 degrees north and struggling. Any advance ?

        From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


        • #5
          "i have fine looking healthy plants and not a clue what to do with them"

          I reckon you will struggle unless they are in a greenhouse.

          If they ARE in a greenhouse then I have always thought that they are straightforward to grow and your "every gardener around where i stay say i should bin them" crowd are going to be green with envy in a month's time!, my only disappointment is how few melons I get. The book says "Don't allow more than 4 or 5 per plant" and its a really good year for me if I manage to get a plant to actually SET 5 melons!

          You need to hand pollinate them (in a greenhouse). I feed and water them the same as my Tomatoes. The melons need to be supported with nets (not just a bit of string holding them up). Old tights or bras will do.

          Whitefly are a problem, probably worth growing Marigolds in the greenhouse to discourage them.

          Good puck!
          K's Garden blog the story of the creation of our garden


          • #6
            Melons again with strawberrys thrown in

            im also 56 deg north in Montrose,the melon plant is in the greenhouse i have trained it up string like my tomatoes, it stands about 16" high with 12 leaves and 'wiry' bits like the cucumbers have but there is no sign of flowers yet.
            Should i feed it? Im using homemade organic sheep poop in water for feed and the toms,cucumbers,peppers and corn on the cob are thriving on it.
            I am having a problem with my strawberry's, they are cropping really well but are getting eaten by slaters (woodlouse) which are munching there way into the berrys. Im not using chemicals at all anywhere in the garden or greenhouse and any advice on how to stop these wee grey pests would be greatly appreciated.


            Iain B


            • #7
              "it stands about 16" high"

              That's not very big for this time of the year ... not sure what you can do about it though.

              The side shoots need to grow to about 4 leaves, then stop them and any laterals off them stop at 2 leaves.

              "i have trained it up string like my tomatoes"

              Ah .. hopefully you don't mean that you have taken the side shoots out (like Tomatoes), but if you have that could be the problem.
              K's Garden blog the story of the creation of our garden


              • #8
                haven't taken any side shoots out yet, ill let it go as it is and see if any flowers appear.
                Next year ill buy seeds that have English growing instructions on them! These seeds were from Lidl,everything on the packet was in German apart from the word Melon!!
                I live and learn.


                • #9
                  Hello Elmer, good to see another Grape 56 degrees North.
                  Are you sure it's the slaters doing all the damage to your strawberries.
                  The more usual scenario is the slugs make the initial damage and the slaters follow.
                  You can deal with the slugs in whatever way sits comfortable with you.
                  The slaters can be dealt with by giving them nowhere to hide and nothing to eat.
                  Clean up all the dead leaves, debris, turn over stones, lift pots etc and the slaters will be gone.

                  From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


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