My name is Caireen. I'm 37 years old and have my own allotment. Due to working full time, I don't have a great deal of spare time but whenever I do I enjoy spending it on my allotment. With the weather this year, its been quite difficult growing a great deal of stuff. My courgettes are doing well. Have opted for the round ones this year and have just pulled up my first set of onions this year.. Tomatoes are waiting to ripen. Leeks doing good and just had my first set of spuds. They were left overs from last year that I'd thrown into the compost heap and forgotton about. The end result was fab plants and mutant spuds. My real love is growing chillies. The hotter the better. Am experimenting with Bhut jolokia this year and they are just starting to fruit. In addition I have some hydroponic (experimental) habeneros that are just fruiting. Would love to hear from anyone who fancies a chat
