Hello All,
Thought I would say hello
Live in Ayrshire with (thankfully) a very large front and back garden. Won't reveal my age, ladies never do
but have been gardening since I was a wee girl, so 30+ years. Just wish I had listened to all the advice given when I was small. Have got my Christmas tatties in. I'm trying to increase my soft fruit as I mainly grow veggies. Only got 4 blueberry, one rasp, blackcurrant, and redcurrant. So definately on the look out for freebies in the fruit dept. Getting into heritage seeds and hopefully (fingers crossed) will be growing Oca next year. Bye bye for now.
PS I seem to recognise a few of the usernames from MSE, are you the same people?
Also sorry posted twice in my haste
Thought I would say hello

PS I seem to recognise a few of the usernames from MSE, are you the same people?
Also sorry posted twice in my haste