Hi all
We have recently dug up half the garden to start growing our own.
We also seem to be getting into hedgerow produce too. We recently plundered the blackberry bushes on the edge of the local green space, there are some old apple trees too, i called them crab apples but i think they were once domesticated and have gone wild. We also collected a load of elderberries.
All in all we now have fresh veggies and loads of homemade jam.
Emma and I do the work in the garden, although in truth Emma is much more active than i am.
Janie and Jake just seem to like seeing things grow and eating what comes out of the garden. Part of the reason from growing the veggies etc was for them, their 18 months and 3 1/2 so they should get the best we can supply and i think its good for them to know where food comes from.
Perhaps well get some chickens one day, Emma's father has some so they now where eggs come from. Perhaps if i get some i should take one for the pot now and then,
Anyway i found this site when searching for green tomato recipes. we have loads due to the tom plants being far too crowded together and no sun getting to the fruit.
We have recently dug up half the garden to start growing our own.
We also seem to be getting into hedgerow produce too. We recently plundered the blackberry bushes on the edge of the local green space, there are some old apple trees too, i called them crab apples but i think they were once domesticated and have gone wild. We also collected a load of elderberries.
All in all we now have fresh veggies and loads of homemade jam.
Emma and I do the work in the garden, although in truth Emma is much more active than i am.
Janie and Jake just seem to like seeing things grow and eating what comes out of the garden. Part of the reason from growing the veggies etc was for them, their 18 months and 3 1/2 so they should get the best we can supply and i think its good for them to know where food comes from.
Perhaps well get some chickens one day, Emma's father has some so they now where eggs come from. Perhaps if i get some i should take one for the pot now and then,
Anyway i found this site when searching for green tomato recipes. we have loads due to the tom plants being far too crowded together and no sun getting to the fruit.