Oops I've already posted a question but I'll introduce myself here anyway 
I've been buying the GYO magazine since March but didn't do anything until May. When I realised time was slipping away fast I hastily got myself top soil (my garden was a building site), decent tools, a second-hand greenhouse from a neighbour, compost, pots, basically everything I needed to start.
I got strawberries and the Hundreds & Thousands tomatoes from Suttons and then started planting some of the seeds that came from the GYO magazine and the Let's Grow Veg magazine. I didn't really label anything and promptly forgot what most things were. I still don't know what most of them are. The strawberries were/are great and the H&T tomatoes are good too, just smaller than I imagined (about half the size of a cherry tomato) and it seems they're coming to an end now.
When the unlabelled plants were big enough I planted them out, they did great to begin with but nearly everything got demolished by slugs. It's been so wet here that nearly every time I go out I see slugs and woodlice (I hate those things). I've mostly given up on the outdoor stuff this year.
I'd gotten potatoes and onions from a lovely old gardener and they seemed to do really well to begin with but I think the potatoes got blight, they all got blotchy, shrivelled up and died within days. I dug up some of the potatoes, they looked nice but I wasn't sure if I could eat them, since I wasn't sure if it was blight or not. The onions are small, if you peeled them they'd be the size of pickles! Maybe I firmed them down too much? Most have been hauled out of the ground anyway by....god knows what.
My chillies and peppers are the only plants still going strong, I'm hoping to hang onto them but we'll see what happens. Even though my first attempt at growing has been largely unsuccessful I'm enjoying it, I'll definitely do it next year. I'm already boring my friends senseless with gardening talk, I never realised I'd get so hooked!
Next year my plan is to try Square Foot Gardening too. I've been unable to find any stockists of coarse vermiculite but I'm hoping the medium stuff will do fine. I won't be using peat though, I'll try coir instead.
As for me, well I'm going blind, I'm also half deaf (I don't care for the PC terms). I like reading, writing, learning Latin (very slowly, it's hard to find resources) and I have an insane need to research everything that pops into my head because I like knowing odd things. E.g. did you know some blind people use echolocation (without technology) to get around? QI is my favourite programme, I even went to see a taping and got to sit in the Green Room
Apart from all that I'm just a typical student!
P.S. Can someone tell me if I can buy a GYO binder on its own? I plan to get a subscription next year but I'm assuming a binder will only hold a year's worth of magazines?

I've been buying the GYO magazine since March but didn't do anything until May. When I realised time was slipping away fast I hastily got myself top soil (my garden was a building site), decent tools, a second-hand greenhouse from a neighbour, compost, pots, basically everything I needed to start.
I got strawberries and the Hundreds & Thousands tomatoes from Suttons and then started planting some of the seeds that came from the GYO magazine and the Let's Grow Veg magazine. I didn't really label anything and promptly forgot what most things were. I still don't know what most of them are. The strawberries were/are great and the H&T tomatoes are good too, just smaller than I imagined (about half the size of a cherry tomato) and it seems they're coming to an end now.
When the unlabelled plants were big enough I planted them out, they did great to begin with but nearly everything got demolished by slugs. It's been so wet here that nearly every time I go out I see slugs and woodlice (I hate those things). I've mostly given up on the outdoor stuff this year.
I'd gotten potatoes and onions from a lovely old gardener and they seemed to do really well to begin with but I think the potatoes got blight, they all got blotchy, shrivelled up and died within days. I dug up some of the potatoes, they looked nice but I wasn't sure if I could eat them, since I wasn't sure if it was blight or not. The onions are small, if you peeled them they'd be the size of pickles! Maybe I firmed them down too much? Most have been hauled out of the ground anyway by....god knows what.
My chillies and peppers are the only plants still going strong, I'm hoping to hang onto them but we'll see what happens. Even though my first attempt at growing has been largely unsuccessful I'm enjoying it, I'll definitely do it next year. I'm already boring my friends senseless with gardening talk, I never realised I'd get so hooked!
Next year my plan is to try Square Foot Gardening too. I've been unable to find any stockists of coarse vermiculite but I'm hoping the medium stuff will do fine. I won't be using peat though, I'll try coir instead.
As for me, well I'm going blind, I'm also half deaf (I don't care for the PC terms). I like reading, writing, learning Latin (very slowly, it's hard to find resources) and I have an insane need to research everything that pops into my head because I like knowing odd things. E.g. did you know some blind people use echolocation (without technology) to get around? QI is my favourite programme, I even went to see a taping and got to sit in the Green Room

P.S. Can someone tell me if I can buy a GYO binder on its own? I plan to get a subscription next year but I'm assuming a binder will only hold a year's worth of magazines?