After been told what a great website this is from a friend i decided to have a look for myself and she was right it's fantastic
Everything you need to know is there.
I'm 29 and i've just started this summer growing my own.
I've grown lots of different things and enjoyed watching them grow and even my other half has got the gardening bug now
My best produce so far is my pumpkins (which have also taken over my garden and is now growing up the side of the greenhouse)!!
I haven't a big garden so we decided to also grow veg in the plastic tubs that you put kids toys in and i think it was a good success
we loved going outside and getting the fresh veg for our sunday dinners
but now i want to grow more and have rang the council for an allotment and had a reply yesterday with all the vacant allotments...... can you believe it there are 57 free so i've got quite a few to choose from just need to go and look now.
we also have got 6 chickens and 5 ducks
we get daily eggs from the chickens but the ducks haven't started to lay yet cos there not old enough
so next year i want to have a go at growing flowers and of course more veg and herbs
look forward to getting the help i need from you all cos i bet i will need it
Lavender Lou x
Everything you need to know is there.
I'm 29 and i've just started this summer growing my own.
I've grown lots of different things and enjoyed watching them grow and even my other half has got the gardening bug now
My best produce so far is my pumpkins (which have also taken over my garden and is now growing up the side of the greenhouse)!!
I haven't a big garden so we decided to also grow veg in the plastic tubs that you put kids toys in and i think it was a good success
we loved going outside and getting the fresh veg for our sunday dinners
but now i want to grow more and have rang the council for an allotment and had a reply yesterday with all the vacant allotments...... can you believe it there are 57 free so i've got quite a few to choose from just need to go and look now.
we also have got 6 chickens and 5 ducks
we get daily eggs from the chickens but the ducks haven't started to lay yet cos there not old enough
so next year i want to have a go at growing flowers and of course more veg and herbs
look forward to getting the help i need from you all cos i bet i will need it
Lavender Lou x