Have spent the last hour search the web to find a support board like this. This site looks great!!! Just what i was looking for.
This year i became a stay at home mum (feel i need to do more for my family). So am going take the plunge to try to help feed my family. (in the past all i have grown foodwise is lettace, tom's, and a couple of soft fruits!)
I am very lucky to have a large garden and for years have felt it was going to waist - but when i was working & looking after the kids i just didn't have the 'get up & go' to do anything about it.
For the last few mths i have been buying & planting fruit trees. So fingers-crossed thay will do well for us.
So i'm hopeing to pick up tips as to what i do first to turn part of my garden into a veg patch.
Thanks for reading, take care Neat.
This year i became a stay at home mum (feel i need to do more for my family). So am going take the plunge to try to help feed my family. (in the past all i have grown foodwise is lettace, tom's, and a couple of soft fruits!)
I am very lucky to have a large garden and for years have felt it was going to waist - but when i was working & looking after the kids i just didn't have the 'get up & go' to do anything about it.
For the last few mths i have been buying & planting fruit trees. So fingers-crossed thay will do well for us.
So i'm hopeing to pick up tips as to what i do first to turn part of my garden into a veg patch.
Thanks for reading, take care Neat.
