Hi guys
I got a copy of this magazine in WH Smith so I thought I'd check out the
site. This forum is a great find and seems very friendly and helpful.
I started growing my own last year on impulse and due to the fact my next
door neighbour has fab little 'green space' going on his his back yard.
I have no garden to speak of just a concrete jungle of a back yard. My only
choice was container gardening.
The picture below is last years efforts of seeds/plug plants of flowers and
I am hoping this year to get the whole 'yard' looking 'green' like my neighbour.
He's a great guy and has been helping me out with bits and bobs.

Best thing about last year was getting to grow Broccoli in containers and
bad thing - My parsnips turned out to be carrots
Not sure what
happened there.
Can't wait to get some more advice and hopefully help some other people in
Cheers all
I got a copy of this magazine in WH Smith so I thought I'd check out the
site. This forum is a great find and seems very friendly and helpful.
I started growing my own last year on impulse and due to the fact my next
door neighbour has fab little 'green space' going on his his back yard.
I have no garden to speak of just a concrete jungle of a back yard. My only
choice was container gardening.
The picture below is last years efforts of seeds/plug plants of flowers and
I am hoping this year to get the whole 'yard' looking 'green' like my neighbour.
He's a great guy and has been helping me out with bits and bobs.

Best thing about last year was getting to grow Broccoli in containers and
bad thing - My parsnips turned out to be carrots

happened there.
Can't wait to get some more advice and hopefully help some other people in
Cheers all