Originally posted by Trev-P
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If it's really bad start by making a drink (YOu'll need some way to make a drink ... I've got a storm kettle its a bit like camping as you can cook a bacon butty while waiting for the water to boil

Are there any fruit bushes or trees? you may be lucky and have a some Raspberry canes or rhubarb on there - so thats your fruit area sorted.
Then to start.
Is there a shed if not where are you going to put it? I suggest on the north side of your plot so it doesn't shade anything - you can provide shade using netting but you can't ptovide sun!
If you can get hold of a strimmer/brushcutter then cut all the weeds down and rake it into a big pile at one end ... you've just made a compost heap. DON'T buy activator - nip into your shed and pee in a milk bottle and put that on it ... its free and full of nitrogen

if you can get hold of some manure ( some allotments have a friendly farmer who will drop a load for a few quid) get some and cover it over to keep in the goodness (You can get some cheap tarps off e-bay) then make another cup of tea ( you can't drink too much tea) and you can start. A patch about the size of a greenhouse (8ft x 6ft) is more than enough to dig over in a day as you want to get all the weed roots outand once its clean put a layer of muck on it and move on to the next patch if you do that once a week you will have you plot fully clear in no time. My old friend and tutor had two allotmens and he went up 3 times a week and he dug one row across the plot every time he visited and he could dig both plots in a couple of months with most of the work being done as he took things out and replanted.
keep doing this and you'll have it looking something like in no time but whaty you can do is get some of the black weed membrane and cover half of it to smother what weeds are in thereand if you want to brighten it up get some tubs from your local pound shop and put some winter pansies in it it will weigh down the membrane and look nice, come spring you can sow carrots in them and grow carrots, get some big pots and grow spuds and all the time the membrane is killing off the weeds.
You can grow your potatoes thru the plastic as well then when it comes to harvest just roll the matt back and get you r potatoes and teh ground is dug as if by magic.
Most importantly, enjoy it ... its supposed to be fun not a prison sentance with hard labour!

And make friends with the old boys up the site - they'll tell you what grows best on the site ( they will have tried them all over the years) and it supprising what you get. my first visit to my old plot I came away with a load of onion seedlings a boiling of beans and a cauliflower and it was waist high in weeds

Enjoy you tea and welcome to the 'vine