All you growing mad folk, this is the 1st post so with that out the way
I would like as much advice as possible on my new plot just got it the other day and what do we get about 2 foot of snow
Well when that clears I have horsetare and all other weeds the person before me liked his rotavator? He didn't understand the weeds much then as has now provided many more for me to tackle.
Anyway any advice would be great for the task ahead.
I need to loose some winter fodder anyway so the hard work will be good.
Anyway I am here to learn so teach away and thanks for having me.....
All you growing mad folk, this is the 1st post so with that out the way

Well when that clears I have horsetare and all other weeds the person before me liked his rotavator? He didn't understand the weeds much then as has now provided many more for me to tackle.
Anyway any advice would be great for the task ahead.
I need to loose some winter fodder anyway so the hard work will be good.
Anyway I am here to learn so teach away and thanks for having me.....