I have been a member for a few years now but things have changed...
I now have a new house and a lovely new garden and a new boyfriend hehe
Plus I'm getting a lovely greenhouse soon so I can potter till my hearts's content.
This year I have sown:
Courgette Soleil
Pepper Sweet Minimix
Tomato Minibel
Tomato Gardener's Delight
Cucumber Marketmore
Giant Sunflower
Hollyhock Majorette Mixed
Lupin Russell Mixed
Sweet Sultan Mixed

I have been a member for a few years now but things have changed...
I now have a new house and a lovely new garden and a new boyfriend hehe
Plus I'm getting a lovely greenhouse soon so I can potter till my hearts's content.
This year I have sown:
Courgette Soleil
Pepper Sweet Minimix
Tomato Minibel
Tomato Gardener's Delight
Cucumber Marketmore
Giant Sunflower
Hollyhock Majorette Mixed
Lupin Russell Mixed
Sweet Sultan Mixed
