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Hello from Doncaster!!


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  • Hello from Doncaster!!

    Hello everyone!

    I thought it was about time I officially joined you and introduce myself! I've been lurking in the sidelines since I joined the forum nearly a month ago, spending every spare minute browsing and digesting the information every day since. My husband's very puzzled why I sit with my laptop for hours on end every evening sifting through all the posts on this forum! I think it's fab - just what every newbie gardener needs just starting out!

    I woke up one day at the end of Feb and decided to have a stab at growing my own fruit and veg! I cleared a small patch in the garden and my conserveratory is now full of seeds and seedlings all waiting for the better weather! I thought it was about time my children understood how vegetables grow and that they don't grow on the shelves at Asda after all!

    Needless to say, I didn't start off slowly, but jumped in feet first - I don't seem to be able to go a day without buying something for my garden! I got a small greenhouse for Mother's Day and love nothing better than pottering about my garden in the evenings/weekends! I now dream of allotments and maybe owning one myself one day!! You never know, if I apply now I might just get one in time for when I retire - I hear there's quite a waiting list!!

    Thanks for reading!

    Annette x

  • #2
    Hi Annette and welcome!! It's very addictive, I've got all my windowsills full as well!!
    AKA Angie


    • #3
      Good for you Annette now I dont feel so silly doing like minded things myself


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