I have a small back yard with more containers in than paving slabs!!! Although my tubs are full of flowers, last year was my first time I ventured into veg growing.
My carrots were demolished by slugs, the radishes turned woody (the butterflies loved the flowers though) & my tomatoes suffered from blight - I did manage to get a decent crop of Maris Peer spuds, a few green beans (Pickwick Dwarf Runner Bean) and some salad leaves, as well as an overflowing tub of herbs - oregano, marjoram, rosemary & chives.
So far I've only sown mesclun & mizuna salad leaves with Boltardy beetroot in a trough covered with fleece, Gardener's Delight tomatoes & Cambridge strawberries (also covered in fleece). I love a challenge...
My carrots were demolished by slugs, the radishes turned woody (the butterflies loved the flowers though) & my tomatoes suffered from blight - I did manage to get a decent crop of Maris Peer spuds, a few green beans (Pickwick Dwarf Runner Bean) and some salad leaves, as well as an overflowing tub of herbs - oregano, marjoram, rosemary & chives.
So far I've only sown mesclun & mizuna salad leaves with Boltardy beetroot in a trough covered with fleece, Gardener's Delight tomatoes & Cambridge strawberries (also covered in fleece). I love a challenge...
