I have a mature plum tree that has small egg type little lumps, sort of pale greeny white colour, on the leaves, mostly around the edges of the leaves. There are loads of these little lumps on the leaves and almost all of the leaves are affected.The tree has small green fruits beginning to grow as well. This has never happened before and I'm concerned as its next to another dead plum tree that seemed to die of nothing (no leaves or foilage anymore). I also have veges growing underneath this tree so I'm also concerned about the leaves and fruit dropping. Any help or ideas as to whats going on is appreciated.
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Diseased plum tree?
Hi Daphne, welcome to the Vine. Are these little lumps on the top or the undersides of the leaves, have you looked at them under a magnifying glass? There aphids which attack plums, they may not look like insects until you have had a close look at them.
My damson gets this every -year they are galls with a small insect inside. I choose not to use an insecticide so the leaves stay nobbly. The tree is 10 years old and still fruits like the blazes. I don't worry about it. I may be a bit laid back for some but if these things don't kill the tree then I live and let live.Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.
www.vegheaven.blogspot.com Updated March 9th - Spring
plum tree lumps
Thankyou for your reply. There are so many of these little lumps on the leaves that almost 70% is now affected. My concern is this; what is this insect inside these lumps, what harm-if any-will the falling leaves (and hatched blighters) do to my veges growing beneath said tree and where will the little blighters go to feed once hatched? I'm seriously considering cutting off all the affected branches I'm so worried......
You'll seriously deform your tree if you cut off 70% of the branches! They just fly away when hatched. They don't do any discernible harm to my veg and the leaves only fall off in autumn as usual when they little beastie is no longer there.Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.
www.vegheaven.blogspot.com Updated March 9th - Spring
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