Hi everyone!
Newbie to the forum, on my second year of growing (well, attempting to) various veggies and fruits in the back garden.
My garden is on solid clay (well, unless it is winter/spring, in which case it gets utterly waterlogged and wobbles when you walk on it...) so I have a greenhouse (on patio), three raised beds (metre square and 30cm deep) and more pots than is good for me - the hubby has already said that he isn't going to be helping with the watering in an attempt to curtail my compost buying habit!
This year I am growing:
Potatoes, tomatoes (few bush variety only after a grey mould disaster last year), three types of squash to trail up trellis, bilberries, blackcurrants, blackberries, raspberries, dwarf beans, french beans, celery, onions, garlic, aubergine (failed to fruit last year, so trying again incase it gets any better!), chillies, basil, tarragon, parsley, coriander (doing the leggy thing already - I sense doom approaching!), dill, nasturtiums, carrots, leeks, spring onions, chives, thyme, marjoram, petits pois, peas, lettuce, radish and cucumber (which, at a quid a seed seem to be failing nicely at the seedling stage
I may have bitten off a little more than I can chew. The packet of mini sweetcorn seeds is tempting me also.
Cannot be more chaotic than last year though - I didn't get rid of any of my chilli plants (like little green babies they were!) and did too many - ended up with over 80 plants in the end, half of those around 4-5ft tall and taking over both the house and garden like a pepper scented forest!
Still eating the dratted things!
Newbie to the forum, on my second year of growing (well, attempting to) various veggies and fruits in the back garden.
My garden is on solid clay (well, unless it is winter/spring, in which case it gets utterly waterlogged and wobbles when you walk on it...) so I have a greenhouse (on patio), three raised beds (metre square and 30cm deep) and more pots than is good for me - the hubby has already said that he isn't going to be helping with the watering in an attempt to curtail my compost buying habit!

This year I am growing:
Potatoes, tomatoes (few bush variety only after a grey mould disaster last year), three types of squash to trail up trellis, bilberries, blackcurrants, blackberries, raspberries, dwarf beans, french beans, celery, onions, garlic, aubergine (failed to fruit last year, so trying again incase it gets any better!), chillies, basil, tarragon, parsley, coriander (doing the leggy thing already - I sense doom approaching!), dill, nasturtiums, carrots, leeks, spring onions, chives, thyme, marjoram, petits pois, peas, lettuce, radish and cucumber (which, at a quid a seed seem to be failing nicely at the seedling stage

I may have bitten off a little more than I can chew. The packet of mini sweetcorn seeds is tempting me also.
Cannot be more chaotic than last year though - I didn't get rid of any of my chilli plants (like little green babies they were!) and did too many - ended up with over 80 plants in the end, half of those around 4-5ft tall and taking over both the house and garden like a pepper scented forest!
