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Thank goodness I found this site


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  • Thank goodness I found this site

    Hi all.
    I am Row (short for Rowena) and in a moment of inspiration I decided to announce to my Dad that I was thinking of digging up my small back lawn and planting veggies.
    So for my birthday in March I received a mini greenhouse, some seed potatoes, some runner bean seeds, some lettuce seeds, some pea seeds and some seed trays and compost as well as gardening gloves.

    After the initial shock I planted some beans and some chilli seeds from a plant I had been given last year and then got daring and planted some red pointed pepper seeds too.
    These were all going well in my greenhouse which at the time was still in my dining room (don't laugh, I'm new to this gardening lark) then Dad announced that he was hiring a rotovator and was coming round to dig over my lawn.

    Panic stations. I spent Easter bank holiday Monday frantically hacking off turf until I virtually broke my wrists just so Dad could bring round the rotovator.

    At this point I wondered what I had taken on.

    Anyway it was done, though I'm still trying to sneak chunks of turf off each week in my wheelie bins, and the kids and I planted the seed potatoes, some peas and then some onions that a friend had spare.
    My daughter also has a big terracotta pot with her own potato in.

    Trouble is now that all is growing beautifully is I have no idea what to pick and when as I stupidly threw away the potato packet and the onions are a mystery variety.

    I then acquired some broad bean plants from Dad, some courgettes and some cucumbers.(but no instructions...oh dear)

    My greenhouse of course was moved outside but was blown over in the gales and now all my peppers and chillis were mixed up though most were saved and re potted.

    Then last Sunday we took a trip to London only to come home to find that my greenhouse has almost roasted everything.

    I have now some very shrivelled though still alive courgette plants that I have now planted out in the garden and one lonely cucumber from the middle of a grow bag as the outer two were shrivelled up and burnt.

    Now I cover my greenhouse with an old white sheet to try to keep some of the extreme heat out and always roll up the door in a morning. Lesson learnt.

    So as you can see from my multiple gaffs so far, I am a complete numpty when it comes to gardening and today I came across your forums after searching google for inspiraion on when to pick potatoes.

    My tatties are doing great and there are signs of flowers on some (help), my beans are growing up the canes nicely, my broad beans seem to be developing flowers too and my peas which Dad surrounded by small twigs in his last inspection of my ...ahem...handwork...are doing ok too.
    My onions have long green shoots and I know you have to lift them to dry them out but I don't know when.
    So any advice to this complete gardening idiot would be gratefully received. (so I don't have to keep calling my poor Dad and end up feeling like a 6 year old).
    from Row
    Its nice to be important but its more important to be nice

  • #2
    Hi Row

    Firstly - don't get rid of your turf - stack it somewhere and it will rot down and give you lovely soil to use as mulch in a year or so.

    Secondly, have a look through some of the Grape's blogs, I'd recommend Mrs Dobby's and Flummery's - they both link to loads more - so you can see how people grow things and what they should look like!

    Thirdly, where in Derby - we are in Shardlow so just outside the City really. I might have some spare plants you can have if you are relatively close.

    It sounds like you have made a good start and are learning already.

    And welcome to the Vine


    • #3
      Hello Andrea. Wow a quick reply.
      I'm in Shelton Lock so not too far away from you.
      Thanks for the offer of spare plants that really nice of you. I'm not sure if I have any spare space though.
      Good tip for the turf, I hadn't thought of that. It's all stacked up on my path and we have removed most of the weedy stuff into the bins .My back garden is tiny but I will see if I can find a corner to keep it in.
      We have dug a pit at the bottom of the garden in a flower bed and we are throwing lots of peelings, egg shells etc in it until I can get a compost bin.
      I'm a bit obsessed with checking my plants at the mo. I get panicked if I see a green fly on anything
      I've booked a holiday and got neighbours who have promised to pop in and water the garden for me as well as feed my moggy but I'm more worried about leaving my plants than the poor cat.
      All that hard work....I don't want to lose any of my precious veggies.
      We're dying to eat our own but have no clue when to pick some tatties so I will browse Mrs Dobbys and Flummerys for help.
      Thank you so much for the advice and for the warm welcome.
      I have a few small spare spots of garden yet to plant something in but I have no idea how much room some of my plants will grow. I went to Calke Abbey for inspiration last week so at least I now know what my broad beans should look like. I don't think I've ever eaten one before never mind grown any.
      Wish me luck.
      from Row.
      Its nice to be important but its more important to be nice


      • #4
        Sounds like you are doing really well!!!

        (Please don't presume everyone else is doing 'spiffingly well.....harf - harf!!!)

        I've got some stonkers of failures this year!!!

        We've being GYO for a few zillion days....but started on clay- then peat- and now sand...they are all different.....we are still on a big learning curve!!!!

        I'll be lucky if we get any French beans( YUp- here in France!!!)- and all the seeds and baby plants we've given away are doing really well....flipping typical!!!...just off to pick a lettuce - and strawberries for supper need to celebrate what you have succeeded with- and Nature has decided not to munch it's way through!!!!

        Oh- and welcome to the Vine!!!!
        Last edited by Nicos; 02-06-2009, 06:29 PM.
        "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

        Location....Normandy France


        • #5
          Hi Row, welcome to the vine!
          You sound like you're living in a madhouse - you'll fit in well here
          With the broad beans try peeling the outer layer from the actual bean, the skin can be a bit bitter and my oh won't touch them if they are still 'with skin', they are a lot nicer without (blanch first 2-3 mins in boiling water then squeeze from one end - very easy!)


          • #6
            Hello Row and welcome to the Grapevine. A good tip is to check the 'What I did Today' thread here - that reminds you when you should be planting things and when it's worth trying to harvest stuff. It's obvious with lettuces, peas, beans etc when they are ready but the underground stuff is a mystery! When your spuds are ready will depend on what type you bought - earlies, second earlies, maincrop etc. Can you remember the name of the variety? I reckon 13 - 14 weeks from planting for earlies though some people harvest a couple of weeks earlier. I like a decent crop though!

            Good luck with it - we have all learnt by our mistakes!
            Whoever plants a garden believes in the future.

   Updated March 9th - Spring


            • #7
              Thank you Nicos. I hope I'm doing ok, but if something isn't growing super fast (like my beans) I panic that I've done something wrong. We're off to France to stay with family in a few weeks (St Hillaire la Treille in Limousin region....very very rural...and peaceful) and I'm worried about leaving my precious crops!
              Mum has just phoned to say she has got me a leaking hosepipe!!!!! the mind boggles but hopefully it will mean that my garden doesnt dry up if my neighbour forgets to water.
              Vicky..yep madhouse is right. no rest for the wicked they I must be wicked. hence my very rural chill out holiday to actually switch off for a week or two.
              mum says she only likes broad beans cold in salads and skinned as you say but my step dad loves them and has offered his services to eat them all!

     you can see you come well recommended and I bow down to your superior experience. I planted my potatoes (no idea what variety) on 16th April (luckily I was smart enough to write it on my calendar when I did it)as well as my onions (again no idea what just some little shallot like things from a neighbour) and my snow peas on the same day.
              Thats about 7 weeks ago. Cor I'll have to learn some patience won't I?
              Only another 7 weeks to go.
              Thanks for the tip to check the what I did today thread. I really appreciate it.
              Its nice to be important but its more important to be nice


              • #8
                Hi, and welcome to the madhouse!

                Sounds like you're doing fine - The only advice I can offer is; when you have the time, make yourself a (very large) Coffee and just sit and search through the threads on here, you'll learn absolutely loads.

                Best wishes
                All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Glutton4... View Post
                  Hi, and welcome to the madhouse!

                  Sounds like you're doing fine - The only advice I can offer is; when you have the time, make yourself a (very large) Coffee and just sit and search through the threads on here, you'll learn absolutely loads.

                  Best wishes
                  Yup I agree. I often do that but I customise it with a biscuit.


                  • #10
                    Shelton lock - not far at all!!!! Cool


                    • #11
                      Hi Row, and a warm welcome to the madhouse oft reffered to as the 'vine!

                      Sounds like you've made a good start so far, dont fret too much and remember to relax, GYOing is supposed to be fun as well as provide some food for the family!

                      You'll be surprised at how quick you'll pick up some things, we took our first allotment over only 3 years ago, this is our third year of growing, and by no means would I say we were fully finished with developing the plot or in any way veg experts, celebrate your successes and learn from your failures!

                      I'd echo a few of the other grapes advice, take a good look at the 'What I did today' thread, a very useful aide memoire, as is the 'Today I have mostly Harvested...' thread!

                      When we first started we started a thread on here that may be of some help, it did end up almost a blog in itself, so we then ended up setting up a blog, I'd urge you to do the same, as it gives you something to look back on and be proud of plus a place that allows you to share your successes and failures with others! Anyhows take a look at the thread and see what you think!

                      Oh, lastly, if you have specific queeries, then use the search feature, there will usually be someone who has asked the question before so you may get some advice that way, but always remember, there are no dumb questions, by asking a question you may think of as dumb, you may not only get an answer, but also help others who were too scared of asking the question for fear of looking silly, as Mr D says, better to look silly for a moment than to remain ignorant for the rest of your life! Lol!
                      Last edited by Mrs Dobby; 02-06-2009, 09:21 PM.
                      Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

                      'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

                      The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
                      Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
                      Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
                      On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


                      • #12
                        Row, what a super dad you have. Lucky you.

                        Welcome to the Vine and you'll get all the help you need on here.

                        You'll get better help if you break your questions down to one question per post - but as many posts as you like. That way Grapes can answer one question for you and not feel they have to be able to answer 40. See you soon.

                        From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Glutton4... View Post
                          Hi, and welcome to the madhouse!

                          Sounds like you're doing fine - The only advice I can offer is; when you have the time, make yourself a (very large) Coffee and just sit and search through the threads on here, you'll learn absolutely loads.

                          Best wishes
                          Thats exactly what I'm up to now but with a large glass of wine.oops

                          Thanks for the welcome. This madhouse is great, sign me up for a straightjacket.
                          from Row
                          Its nice to be important but its more important to be nice


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by zazen999 View Post
                            Yup I agree. I often do that but I customise it with a biscuit.
                            Ah but I only have that ok? I could get used to this.
                            Pile of ironing versus glass of wine, chocolate and reading forums....hmmmmm...its a tough decision
                            Its nice to be important but its more important to be nice


                            • #15
                              Hmm, chocolate n wine, shame you dont live closer, I'd come round n hlp, erm I mean save you from the sins of chocolate n wine!
                              Suzanne (aka Mrs Dobby)

                              'Garden naked - get some colour in your cheeks'!

                              The Dobby's Pumpkin Patch - an Allotment & Beekeeping blogspot!
                              Last updated 16th April - Video intro to our very messy allotment!
                              Dobby's Dog's - a Doggy Blog of pics n posts - RIP Bella gone but never forgotten xx
                              On Dark Ravens Wing - a pagan blog of musings and experiences


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