I am totally new to this gardening malarkey.
As my board name suggests, I am a petrolhead but after spending a lifetime refurbishing car's I have had enough. My last car rebuild took 2 years and was a bit insane. At 47 I thought it was time to focus my interests elsewhere.
Gardening has never really interested me until now and have to say I am finding it very rewarding � I just wish I knew what I was doing. My garden looked a bit baron so I started with hanging baskets and tubs on the patio

Bird feeder � starlings love it

Also had Jackdaws

I am learning real fast though thanks to reading this forum
I know my garden is basic but hey! everyone has to start somewhere
I am totally new to this gardening malarkey.
As my board name suggests, I am a petrolhead but after spending a lifetime refurbishing car's I have had enough. My last car rebuild took 2 years and was a bit insane. At 47 I thought it was time to focus my interests elsewhere.
Gardening has never really interested me until now and have to say I am finding it very rewarding � I just wish I knew what I was doing. My garden looked a bit baron so I started with hanging baskets and tubs on the patio

Bird feeder � starlings love it

Also had Jackdaws

I am learning real fast though thanks to reading this forum
