Hi new girl here. Just read the input on slugs and using ash. Have just put wee rings of ash around my courgettes and beans so will let you know how that goes. My biggest problem are shrews and I am begining to think that in the still of night that this particular type of shrew is in possession of scissors.
I live in the North Highlands of scotland and am using a Permaculture system growing flowers and veg all together in wee pods. All was going well and then ...shrews!. I wouldn't mind if they were feasting on my produce but instead they are just snipping evething off at ground level. I dont agree with killing anything so has anyone out there got any suggestions??
I live in the North Highlands of scotland and am using a Permaculture system growing flowers and veg all together in wee pods. All was going well and then ...shrews!. I wouldn't mind if they were feasting on my produce but instead they are just snipping evething off at ground level. I dont agree with killing anything so has anyone out there got any suggestions??
