Hi I'm Laura, I'm 30 and from Lanarkshire in Scotland. I've only started growing veg this year ( started as a few seedling to grow with my toddler for interest but we got the bug lol ) so I'm a complete novice. I think I might have gone a bit overboard for my 1st year but nevermind.
I currently have a small 6x4 plastic green house bursting with tomatoes (gardeners delight) an random cucumber, peppers, carrots ( nantes, red and purple ones and some little round ones ) Beetroot and various seedlings. Then I have a small 4 tiered plastic greenhouse with various salad stuff and herbs. 4 cold frames with various squash and pumpkins inside, also growing sweetcorn, and strawberry popping corn. Somewhere in all that lot their are also a few cabbages, cauliflower and purple sprouting brocolli, onions, courgette, radish, potatoes in containers, beans and peas, strawberrys, oh and some type of melon too, all grown from seed by myself except the cucumber and onions that mum gave me. Like I said a bit enthusiastic for my first year but its all doing really well at the moment (touch wood) I'm looking forward to chatting with you all and be prepared for lots of questions as i'm easily confused
