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Hello from new member


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  • Hello from new member

    Good afternoon all,
    I am a new member with a new plot. I shall not get anything going this year as I have to get the weeds under control etc, but hey I'm in no rush.
    Just looking for advice on do's and don'ts, whats easy to grow and what isn;t etc.

    Anything you think I need to know, then please tell me. I am very new to all this and need all the help I can get

    Many thanks


  • #2
    Welcome to the Vine ShellB!

    I think the biggest piece of advise is - don't try to do it all at once. If your plot is overgrown, just dig over a manageable size bed to start with, otherwise you'll get disheartened. I notice there are still brassica plug/pot plants available at my local B&Q, so you might be able to get some of those in now for a winter harvest. Otherwise, just use your time planning and preparing for next year!!

    Also, if you pop your location into your profile, it will give us a hand with advice for you, particulary with weather and when to plant things out.


    • #3
      Originally posted by ShellB View Post
      I shall not get anything going this year as I have to get the weeds under control
      lol, you never will!
      You would do well to clear a patch and then immediately plant it up. Nature abhors a vacuum ... any spare bare soil will quickly become weedy

      You can put in dwarf French beans, and pumpkins, as well as salads and winter greens
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #4
        Hi Shellb, Welcome... i popped some winter green seeds in a propagator it will be 2 weeks on Thursday, and there poking there little heads through already, so its not really too late, kale's a good frost hardy veg, and sprouts taste better for having some frost on them, its true what Two Sheds said if you leave it, you'll get weeds, and you'll have to do it all again .... Good Luck


        • #5
          Hi Shellb where in the country are you......
          My phone has more Processing power than the Computers NASA used to fake the Moon Landings


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