Hi there, i'm Stacey i'm 28 from Nottingham and very new to growing and thsi site. I started my first lot of growing around the 8th July ( maybe abit late to get the most out of growing my own-i'm still not sure if i have to plant by the end of the season the packets say lol). At the moment my patio is full of seed cell boxes and i have a trellis trough for cucumbers when they are big enough.
It all started when my neighbour brough me a huge tomatoe plant round she invited me into her greenhouse and there was loads of tomatoe plants with 4 lettuces in every corner of the tomato plant pot. And i thought hmmm how good would it be to be able to step out into my back garden n get my own lettuce instead of going to pay a � each from a shop! So i ventured down the gardeniong asile at wilkos and i had a bit of a spree ! seeds galore.
Maybe i should of started with basics first maybe one or two but i found myself quickly addicted to the theraputic feel of planting that i went and picked more seeds up the next day ! And now they've started seeding i was sooooo excited it's such a great feeling ! I think i'm addicted. I ddo have a huge garden but i think i'm jus gonna stick to pots for now as i'm not a fan of digging weeds.
It all started when my neighbour brough me a huge tomatoe plant round she invited me into her greenhouse and there was loads of tomatoe plants with 4 lettuces in every corner of the tomato plant pot. And i thought hmmm how good would it be to be able to step out into my back garden n get my own lettuce instead of going to pay a � each from a shop! So i ventured down the gardeniong asile at wilkos and i had a bit of a spree ! seeds galore.
Maybe i should of started with basics first maybe one or two but i found myself quickly addicted to the theraputic feel of planting that i went and picked more seeds up the next day ! And now they've started seeding i was sooooo excited it's such a great feeling ! I think i'm addicted. I ddo have a huge garden but i think i'm jus gonna stick to pots for now as i'm not a fan of digging weeds.