Hello everyone !
I have been browsing the grapevine for a few weeks now and thought it was time I started contributing to the posts.
Have been growing fruit and veg for the past 18mths, with some great success stories and a few disasters tales to tell.
Off to trawl the forum for cucumber problems, a great crop last year but a new variety this year has presented me with 6 cucumbers and now my plants have all turned yellow with crusty brown patches
I'm going to try my hand this weekend at showing some produce at the local village garden fete. Thinking of entering my Rhubard, Carrots, French Beans and a homemade cake. Heavens knows what I am letting myself in for!
I particularly enjoy reading the "What I did today" Thread in the vegging out section.
I have been browsing the grapevine for a few weeks now and thought it was time I started contributing to the posts.
Have been growing fruit and veg for the past 18mths, with some great success stories and a few disasters tales to tell.
Off to trawl the forum for cucumber problems, a great crop last year but a new variety this year has presented me with 6 cucumbers and now my plants have all turned yellow with crusty brown patches

I'm going to try my hand this weekend at showing some produce at the local village garden fete. Thinking of entering my Rhubard, Carrots, French Beans and a homemade cake. Heavens knows what I am letting myself in for!

I particularly enjoy reading the "What I did today" Thread in the vegging out section.