I bought this magazine a few times n am trying to grow veg for the 2nd yr now.
First yr i managed to grow salad leaves n a few herbs n some toms.
This yr i planted later due to breaking my wrist snowboarding so its not been v successful! My toms haven't worked but i have grown, chives, dill, parsley, basil - mint i think is growing but is v slow!
Beetroot that i harvested and pickled yesterday - and that to my dismay is white mainly. Looks like from the posts this might not be unusual though - i'll find out in a few wks when i try to eat the pickled stuff!
Have plaited me onions n shallots - but i don't think any school girls would be impressed with my skills!
i have one surviving courgette plant which has just started to produce - other two were eaten by slugs!
i have some carrotts in a grow bag and a aubergine plant i've stuck in the grow bag too - not too sure wha to do with this though - mebbe it should be in a green house or smt!
Oh and i've killed a pear n apple tree but the dwarf plum tree seems to be growing still - although no fruit. mebbe i need to dress as a bee to pollinate it.
Anyhow..........thats prolly enough about me.
Oh and I'm 27 and i'm a mental health nurse. i like to grow veg which my friends think is v odd but i find v exciting! i like beer, movies n snuggling my dog.
oh and all my potatoes died this yr! on reflection it looks like i overwatered...... as you can all see from my plant cemetry i'm hoping to learn some things by being part of the forum. sure i'll be posting lots of questions!