Welcome to the Grapevine! We're really glad you've decided to join us 
You'll find a very friendly and helpful community here, the 'Grapes' are happy to help if you have questions, and always willing to learn from other growers experiences.
One or two things to help you around:
Contact a Moderator
If you need to contact a Moderator for any reason, you will find a list by clicking on 'Forum Leaders' in the green band at the bottom of the main page, or by clicking this link;
Forum Leaders
We aren't online 24/7, but we'll respond as quickly as we can.
How to...
A lot of questions on how to post replies, new threads, etc., are covered in the FAQ section Frequently Asked Questions. Also covered are How to change your profile, add an avatar, add a 'signature' to your profile etc. It may seem a bit long-winded to read through, but it's very good
Problem posts
If you see a post which is obviously spam/advertising, or, bothers you in any way, you can click on the small red triangle at the bottom of the post, fill in the little box saying what the problem is, and a message is sent directly to the Moderators so that we can investigate and remove it if necessary. If you get a Private Message which bothers you in any way, they also have the same 'Report' triangle.
PM is a Private Message. This is a message that you can send to another Grape [including the Moderators], that only you and they can see. To PM someone, click on their name, and then select 'send a private message to...'. It will show in the top right hand corner of your screen under 'welcome [your name]' in bold if you have received any messages yourself.
Search tips
The search button is great, if you take a minute... To get the best results, when the search box opens click on 'Advanced Search'. When that opens, you can set the search to only search Thread Titles. This tends to bring up a more manageable amount of results
Of course, if your question isn't answered by doing a search, don't be shy - post the question in the appropriate area and hopefully someone will have an answer (or several different ones!) for you.
General Chat Board
This is the board where everyone chats about all sorts of things, and is home to our permanent 'Chat' thread. It's a very friendly (and helpful) place to be, and to keep it that way we do have some Guidelines that we try to stick to, you can find them here; http://www.growfruitandveg.co.uk/gra...ard_28310.html
We would ask that you pop your general location into your profile, so that when you ask a question, people will know and give you advice that covers your region. It makes a huge difference to the advice so it is best to get it into your profile sooner rather than later
You can add photos to your threads and posts; a guide is in the Fruit and Veg Showcase board: a link is here http://www.growfruitandveg.co.uk/gra...ing_29565.html
I hope this hasn't seemed too long and waffly
Welcome to the 'Vine again, we hope your stay is a long and happy one.
The Mods.

You'll find a very friendly and helpful community here, the 'Grapes' are happy to help if you have questions, and always willing to learn from other growers experiences.
One or two things to help you around:
Contact a Moderator
If you need to contact a Moderator for any reason, you will find a list by clicking on 'Forum Leaders' in the green band at the bottom of the main page, or by clicking this link;
Forum Leaders
We aren't online 24/7, but we'll respond as quickly as we can.
How to...
A lot of questions on how to post replies, new threads, etc., are covered in the FAQ section Frequently Asked Questions. Also covered are How to change your profile, add an avatar, add a 'signature' to your profile etc. It may seem a bit long-winded to read through, but it's very good

Problem posts
If you see a post which is obviously spam/advertising, or, bothers you in any way, you can click on the small red triangle at the bottom of the post, fill in the little box saying what the problem is, and a message is sent directly to the Moderators so that we can investigate and remove it if necessary. If you get a Private Message which bothers you in any way, they also have the same 'Report' triangle.
PM is a Private Message. This is a message that you can send to another Grape [including the Moderators], that only you and they can see. To PM someone, click on their name, and then select 'send a private message to...'. It will show in the top right hand corner of your screen under 'welcome [your name]' in bold if you have received any messages yourself.
Search tips
The search button is great, if you take a minute... To get the best results, when the search box opens click on 'Advanced Search'. When that opens, you can set the search to only search Thread Titles. This tends to bring up a more manageable amount of results

General Chat Board
This is the board where everyone chats about all sorts of things, and is home to our permanent 'Chat' thread. It's a very friendly (and helpful) place to be, and to keep it that way we do have some Guidelines that we try to stick to, you can find them here; http://www.growfruitandveg.co.uk/gra...ard_28310.html
We would ask that you pop your general location into your profile, so that when you ask a question, people will know and give you advice that covers your region. It makes a huge difference to the advice so it is best to get it into your profile sooner rather than later
You can add photos to your threads and posts; a guide is in the Fruit and Veg Showcase board: a link is here http://www.growfruitandveg.co.uk/gra...ing_29565.html
I hope this hasn't seemed too long and waffly

Welcome to the 'Vine again, we hope your stay is a long and happy one.
The Mods.