Hi there just joined the you guys on the forum. I am so interested in growing from seed to plant to pot and flowers to full bloom. Have just set up three veg patches smallish in size but adequate. Have had a sucsessful harvest this year, potatoes, runner beans, tomatoes, garlic, cucumber, rhubarb, spring greens, peas and have done alot of blanching. Had a few troubles with bugs in main crop potatoes
Any good ideas much appreciated?
Bought 3 bulbs from edenbridge show 2 amarylis and 1 yellow crown growth is under way look foward to see the blooms
Look foward to chatting to u all

Bought 3 bulbs from edenbridge show 2 amarylis and 1 yellow crown growth is under way look foward to see the blooms

Look foward to chatting to u all
