Hi all ,
My name`s Sean , and i`m from the sunny Isle of Wight.
Stumbled across this forum whilst trying to find tips on growing veg on google.
Grew a few runner beans in pots last year , which tasted great , along with a few spuds which weren`t to bad.Pure luck i think !!!! lol
I got given a greenhouse which is all set up in my garden , with a few things growing.Onions,Garlic,Peppers,Toms,Courgettes
I really haven`t got a clue what i`m doing , but i`m great at learning by my mistakes.Give it a go and see what happens.

Thanks for reading , and i hope to type to you soon
My name`s Sean , and i`m from the sunny Isle of Wight.
Stumbled across this forum whilst trying to find tips on growing veg on google.
Grew a few runner beans in pots last year , which tasted great , along with a few spuds which weren`t to bad.Pure luck i think !!!! lol
I got given a greenhouse which is all set up in my garden , with a few things growing.Onions,Garlic,Peppers,Toms,Courgettes
I really haven`t got a clue what i`m doing , but i`m great at learning by my mistakes.Give it a go and see what happens.

Thanks for reading , and i hope to type to you soon
