Any ideas anyone,
Have several orchids 3 in flower + 3 in bud at the moment. Is there any way I can propagate/get new plants from them. Some are nearly ten years old and are getting a bit tired now. It`s easy to go and buy new plants but I thought a bit of a challenge could be had. Plus a couple belonged to my Dad who is no longer with us so would be nice to try to keep going with new plants from the originals.
Have several orchids 3 in flower + 3 in bud at the moment. Is there any way I can propagate/get new plants from them. Some are nearly ten years old and are getting a bit tired now. It`s easy to go and buy new plants but I thought a bit of a challenge could be had. Plus a couple belonged to my Dad who is no longer with us so would be nice to try to keep going with new plants from the originals.
