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phalaenopsis orchid


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  • phalaenopsis orchid

    Any ideas anyone,
    Have several orchids 3 in flower + 3 in bud at the moment. Is there any way I can propagate/get new plants from them. Some are nearly ten years old and are getting a bit tired now. It`s easy to go and buy new plants but I thought a bit of a challenge could be had. Plus a couple belonged to my Dad who is no longer with us so would be nice to try to keep going with new plants from the originals.

  • #2
    Dr Hessayon does a Garden Expert book on Orchids - I have seen it in my local Homebase.

    Sorry, can't help otherwise.

    One of mine has developed some little leaves halfway along a flower stem (I don't cut the flowering stalks off after they finish as I usually see more flower buds developing)
    Happy Gardening,


    • #3
      Looks like you'll have to persuade your flowers to set seed, Mick - here is a link to explore.
      Orchid Propagation - The North of England Orchid Society
      Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


      • #4
        I thought what a great username for someone introducing themselves.

        Here's a link which may help you Mick

        Phalenopsis Orchid - by W. Diane Van Zwol - Helium
        I love growing tomatoes.


        • #5
          I cut the flower stalk after fowering just below the bottom flower this then 9times out of 10 encourages second flowering. The little leaves could be a new plantlet, this can happen but i`ve not been lucky enough.


          • #6
            I was lucky and got a side shoot emerge from my Phalaeonopsis. It was a simple matter of splitting it off carefully. It's flowering now but the parent plant died.

            Dendrobium orchids are very easy as they produce pseudobulbs which can be split off and grown on.

            Vegetable Kingdom blog


            • #7
              My phalaenopsis started flowering in early December last year. Unfortunately one of the flower stems snapped at Christmas when I was trying to secure it, but the other flower stem has been in bloom ever since!
              I give the air roots an occasional spray of water, but that's the only care it gets. The flowers are now a bit faded, but don't show any signs of dying back yet...I'm intrigued to see how many more months it'll last.

              oops, sorry! I thought this was the flower thread!
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              Last edited by WPG; 23-06-2017, 10:43 AM.


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