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Hi, I've joined the allotment world


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  • Hi, I've joined the allotment world

    I'm signing up for my allotment at the week end and really exited. I originally contacted allotment group and was told that I could have a plot covered in brambles but they obviously took pity on me and the one I am now getting is just grass and weeds. Role on the back pain and blisters.
    Sunday. visited my plot and hope to strim grass tomorrow -well husband will- spent a fortune buying "roundup" to kill off whats left and found out it was sold in "The Shed" for peanuts along with a host of other things. Met fellow allotmenteers , great friendly bunch
    Last edited by morverngirl; 30-05-2010, 09:26 PM. Reason: new day

  • #2
    ..and the sense of achievement when it's how you want it
    Hello and welcome . it'll be worth it in the end. Clear it little by little and get stuff planted as you go to help spur you on.
    S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
    a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

    You can't beat a bit of garden porn


    • #3
      Originally posted by morverngirl View Post
      the one I am now getting is just grass ...
      quelle horreur You'd better Google couch grass

      Welcome aboard, btw
      All gardeners know better than other gardeners." -- Chinese Proverb.


      • #4
        sacre bleu!!! couch grass and several million weeds will test thee to the full,but yeah,its great to have your own plot and even better to grow and eat your own fruit and veg!


        • #5
          Welcome to the Vine, and good luck with the new allotment.


          • #6
            Love your quotes they all have relevance to me . 1 RLS based part of his novel Kidnapped in Morvern -see my name-
            2 I'm trying to loose weight and lost hart in dieting and 3 as an early retired Physio my stock phase and aim with all my patients was to keep moving as per Einstein. Unfortunately I'm now taking my own advice-keep moving- as I have fibromyalgia, I am really limited to doing everything in short bursts, but hey , I'm doing no harm ,and I would rather garden than lie around pain free.


            • #7
              Welcome to the vine MG - lots of Grapes here, ready to give advice and encouragement! I find the weight shifts easily on the weeks I have done a few hours on the lottie.
              Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


              • #8
                Hello and welcome to the vine MG and congratulations on your allotment, I don't know if you knew but this month is Fibromyalgia Awareness Month, I have a cousin that suffer's from it, it quite literally flatten's her at times.


                • #9
                  Hello and Welcome to the Vine!
                  Granny on the Game in Sheffield


                  • #10
                    I'm kind of a greenhorn myself,this being only my second season as a plot holder. You will love the moments of solitude and the moments of converse with fellow plot holders on your allotment. ENJOY every last minute,its wonderful to be able to grow your greens and have time to yourself away from the madding crowd!!


                    • #11
                      Checked out my allotment today after I spent ages spraying the grass and weeds on Wednesday, starting to look a bit yellow so hopefully i haven't missed any areas. I met a fellow plot holder who has an industrial rotovator and he will give my plot a quick turn over saving me lots of back breaking work,found out he also sprays,all for a small fee of course , worth checking our if there is someone in your area that provides a similar service to get you started otherwise it could be weeks of back pain .


                      • #12
                        Thanks for support, i try to manage my pain. If i know i'm going to be very active including just walking I take pain killers otherwise I leave alone apart from bed time. My rheumatologist advised me to take co prox at night -even when not inpain going to bed-I was always waking due to pain and it helps me sleep better, if i sleep i feel so much better-don't we all.


                        • #13
                          Hi morverngirl welcome to the vine, I used Round-up on my plot took about 3 weeks to kill the grass and weeds then I raked it all off, turned the soil over then used the allotmens Rotavator, 6 weeks after getting my allotment it is now full of veg growing away nicely..

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