Edited to say that i will more than likely start a blog so everything is all in one place. I didn't realise that what i had done would interest other people so much. I am chuffed to bits, thanks guys. I am going to find my feet first here then i will start one. *thumb*
Hello everyone. I have dipped in and out over the last couple of years for bit i have been stuck on and finally decided to sign up here.
My name is Sara.
Right, where to start?
I have been growing my own veg for a couple of years now and have basically done it all on my own.
I am growing shallots, red onions, garlic, white onions, leeks, dwarf beans, parsnips, runner beans cucumbers, melons, tomatoes, various peppers, potatoes, salad, dwarf peaches, blueberry's, gooseberry and grape vines
I have a raised veg garden for the onions and dwarf beans. I have tried to keep everything neat and off the ground and so far, i have succeeded...

Never grown shallots before but they are looking good.
This is a pic of the other end. Leeks, parsnips and dwarf tender beans.

I have planted the leeks in tidy rows. Later on i will earth them up. I did not germinate enough parsnips but i have a few. The tender beans are great so i have more this year. I amusing the weed control fabric this year as the slugs and snails like them
I have been rigging up my greenhouse for cucumbers and melons. I have drilled into the floor and put vertical canes in.I have drilled holes in the canes and threaded wires connecting them together. last year i used canes tied together and it was a mess. I dont know if it will work but i hope so lol. It is still in progress but nearly done.
Hello everyone. I have dipped in and out over the last couple of years for bit i have been stuck on and finally decided to sign up here.
My name is Sara.
Right, where to start?
I have been growing my own veg for a couple of years now and have basically done it all on my own.
I am growing shallots, red onions, garlic, white onions, leeks, dwarf beans, parsnips, runner beans cucumbers, melons, tomatoes, various peppers, potatoes, salad, dwarf peaches, blueberry's, gooseberry and grape vines
I have a raised veg garden for the onions and dwarf beans. I have tried to keep everything neat and off the ground and so far, i have succeeded...

Never grown shallots before but they are looking good.
This is a pic of the other end. Leeks, parsnips and dwarf tender beans.

I have planted the leeks in tidy rows. Later on i will earth them up. I did not germinate enough parsnips but i have a few. The tender beans are great so i have more this year. I amusing the weed control fabric this year as the slugs and snails like them

I have been rigging up my greenhouse for cucumbers and melons. I have drilled into the floor and put vertical canes in.I have drilled holes in the canes and threaded wires connecting them together. last year i used canes tied together and it was a mess. I dont know if it will work but i hope so lol. It is still in progress but nearly done.