I joined the Grapevine a couple of years ago while on dial-up and it kept crashing. So I left it until a few days ago to rejoin as I've finally gone broadband in the last few weeks; loving the freedom!
Although I live on a housing estate my 1940s house came with a good size garden. I've been here for seven seasons now and have 30 square metres under fruit and veg. I'm on heavy clay and the garden is very exposed as I'm at the top of a hill and get all the valley's thermals. It is very rare that a day goes by without some sort of breeze/wind/gale.
I am unable to use netting without plenty of bricks and pegs as it just gets blown away. My potted sweet peas have blown over many times this summer. However, they've been lovely enough to stand upright again and again.
At first I started off my garden planning by following John Seymour's 'Self sufficiency' ideas but broadened my gardening practice after subscribing to 'Grow your own' two years ago.
Over the seven season's I've been here I've improved my four annual veg plots and last year I was able to grow root vegetables for the first time - finally harvesting six lovely parsnips.
Pest-wise I have grey squirrels, wood pigeons, next door's garden houses a fox's den, thousands of slugs and snails but worst of all the neighbourhood cats!
I'm enjoying browsing the forum site but as I'm not a 'techy' I'm struggling with some (or do I mean all) of the terminology. No doubt I'll learn as I visit more often.
That's all for now
Although I live on a housing estate my 1940s house came with a good size garden. I've been here for seven seasons now and have 30 square metres under fruit and veg. I'm on heavy clay and the garden is very exposed as I'm at the top of a hill and get all the valley's thermals. It is very rare that a day goes by without some sort of breeze/wind/gale.
I am unable to use netting without plenty of bricks and pegs as it just gets blown away. My potted sweet peas have blown over many times this summer. However, they've been lovely enough to stand upright again and again.
At first I started off my garden planning by following John Seymour's 'Self sufficiency' ideas but broadened my gardening practice after subscribing to 'Grow your own' two years ago.
Over the seven season's I've been here I've improved my four annual veg plots and last year I was able to grow root vegetables for the first time - finally harvesting six lovely parsnips.
Pest-wise I have grey squirrels, wood pigeons, next door's garden houses a fox's den, thousands of slugs and snails but worst of all the neighbourhood cats!
I'm enjoying browsing the forum site but as I'm not a 'techy' I'm struggling with some (or do I mean all) of the terminology. No doubt I'll learn as I visit more often.
That's all for now