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Hello from SE London


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  • Hello from SE London

    Hello, just introducing myself before diving in.

    I spent my first day on my new allotment today. Totally overgrown and full of couch grass and other nasties but the offer of a BBQ brought a group of friends out to help me and we really made an impact.

    After 3 years waiting I got the last plot on my local site, an unusual triangle shaped plot that is, to me, so much nicer than the straight plots in endless rows.

    I have doen a bit of square foot gardening in my back garden so am looking to try that on a bit of a larger scale now. My plot also includes existing plum trees (x3), an apple tree, a blackberry bush and a blackcurrant bush.

    Loving reading some of the threads here.

    Anyway, that is me.

    "One who plants a garden, plants happiness."

  • #2
    Hello and welcome Sounds like you're well set up for fruit. We like to see piccies (that's cos we're a nosey bunch )
    S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
    a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

    You can't beat a bit of garden porn


    • #3
      Absolutely, I love before and after pics and have been looking through all of the allotment pics on here. I have taken pics, just need to recharge the camera and then can post some up.

      Thanks for the welcome.
      "One who plants a garden, plants happiness."


      • #4
        Hi there Mr Potato Head, welcome to the vine! Great to have another Londoner!
        Couch grass is not such a bad weed. It sounds like you have made great strides already in dealing with it all. Do post some before and after pictures if you get a chance - it really is a good motivator!
        Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


        • #5
          Hello and a very warm welcome to the Vine!
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • #6
            Hi there- and welcome to the Vine!
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • #7
              Thank you all
              "One who plants a garden, plants happiness."


              • #8
                Welcome to the Vine to another SE Londoner! Where is your allotment?

                I have thought about applying for an allotment for a while but haven't joined a waiting list yet....I think I should and then should have my plot just after we have taken all the gold medals at the Olympics!!!


                • #9
                  Hi, my plot is at the Church Manor Way allotments in Abbey Wood. Being in Greenwich you should get on the waiting list asap as because of the demand they are making unworked sites available quite quickly.

                  I called the council about 3 weeks ago to see where I was on the list and they told me 15th, so that is how quickly plots can become available. Also in Greenwich, any plots becoming available are being halved in size, doubling the number.

                  Just get on and do it, you will be glad you did. Here is the link, do it now!

                  Greenwich Council - Allotments - Allotment sites

                  When you go and see the plot they offer you, if you like it you call Beverley at the council and she sends out the agreement for you to sign. I signed mine and took it direct to the Parks and Open spaces depot at the top of Shooters Hill where I was given my key right away. I was too excited to wait for 2nd class post.
                  Last edited by Mr Potato Head; 24-08-2010, 01:48 PM.
                  "One who plants a garden, plants happiness."


                  • #10
                    Thanks Mr Potato Head,

                    My nearest site is Pippenhall and the Greenwich website doesn't have a "waiting list closed" remark by it so who knows

                    I have just applied for a plot at Pippenhall.

                    I will let you know my progress.

                    Thanks for the push.

                    An excited Parsleythelion


                    • #11
                      Good news, If you leave it a little while until your application has been processed then you can send an email asking where you are on the waiting list.

                      Hope you don't have too long a wait.
                      "One who plants a garden, plants happiness."


                      • #12
                        I have received confirmation that my application has been accepted and was told I am 45th on the list. The person at the top has been waiting since January 2008 so it is a bit of a wait, but it will be worth it in the long run. Until then I will continue to hone my skills on my patch at home and see if I can use some space in my parent's garden to increase my yield and also give them something to add to thier pot.

                        Thanks for the push.


                        • #13
                          Hi Parsley,

                          You also could try Bexley to see if they have any vacancies

                          London Borough of Bexley : Allotments

                          Good luck


                          • #14
                            Hi Pipkins,

                            Will they allow residents from other Boroughs? I know Greenwich don't!

                            I'll give it a go, nothing ventured nothing gained :-D




                            • #15
                              Hi there PH and a very warm sunny welcome from me and Jinny cat. Hope you enjoy your stay with us nutters. xx


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