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Greetings Veg Gurus


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  • Greetings Veg Gurus

    Hi Everybody.

    I'm Angelmouse, I'll be your resident dunce for the next few weeks. I'll be asking questions that you've answered a million times already like, What's a Dalek? other than Dr Whos arch-nemesis of course which everyone knows...

    So you can see my level of expertise and that's after starting Two plots in Four years. I had limited success with both but I was incredibly pleased with what I did take out of them. Brassicas hate me or Caterpillars love me I'm not sure which.

    I've been in a new house for over a year and we're just getting round to starting yet another plot in the garden. We is my partner and our three boys and we all love digging and sowing and harvesting and eating...well all of it really and we're really excited to be beginning what we hope will become a long established vegetable plot.

    I look forward to reading all the wonderful advice on the Grapevine and being able to say, "I saw that on the forum!" when the magazine quotes it.

    We Are What We Are For A Reason

  • #2
    Welcome to the vine, Angelmouse. A dalek is a round, plastic compost bin with a lid.
    I think you may have found just the right place for all your questions, so ask away!
    Whooops - now what are the dogs getting up to?


    • #3
      Hi and Welcome.....I had to ask what a dalek was when I joined
      S*d the housework I have a lottie to dig
      a batch of jam is always an act of creation ..Christine Ferber

      You can't beat a bit of garden porn


      • #4
        Ah I am not alone. Quite relieved about that actually.

        Thanks for the welcome.

        We Are What We Are For A Reason


        • #5
          Hello and a very warm welcome to the Vine! You'll soon get used to the jargon and anything you don't know just ask!
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • #6
            Hi there-and welcome to the Vine!
            "Nicos, Queen of Gooooogle" and... GYO's own Miss Marple

            Location....Normandy France


            • #7
              Hello Angelmouse. Welcome to the Vine (or the Madhouse as it is sometimes known).


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