Hello everybody...
Have been wanting to join in for some time, we're on year 3 of keeping chickens (our first two belonged to the previous owner who was more than happy to let us take charge, throwing us into our much anticipated new 'good' life) and year two of veg/fruit growing. So I've been looking for some new best friends to pinch ideas and inspiration from (there's a lot of chat to be had in this new life, with attention to detail not always appreciated by some people I know!
) but I was a bit shy about launching in...
We had a chicken related trauma last week
(Mink NOT being the new best friend I'd dreamt of
) and this forced me to overcome my reticence and plead for help... I'm so glad I did - such great advice and kind reassurance, the forum is definitely somewhere I'd like to spend more time!!! Thank you all...
Happy as I am to have found my way in, I thought I should introduce myself (and I've also just signed for my subscription of GYO!)... we are truly blessed to live in a lovely spot north of Manchester with woods, water, hills and wildlife (including mink, apparently?!) on our doorstep and we are very much enjoying becoming a part of it all...
We did have 6 chickens but have suffered two deaths due to old age(RIP Beryl and Thora) in the past six months and the viscous attack last week has left us with just three lovely girls... we're planning to replenish our stock in the next few weeks, once we're confident the baddies have been eliminated...
we are fortunate to have more outdoor space than we anticipated we might be able to manage. As well as prettying up the front garden, we got raised beds up and running last year to form the back bone of the kitchen garden. The purchase of a wonderful greenhouse in spring this year has committed us to sowing and growing and what a wonderful time we're having...
We definitely have more enthusiasm than skill and often spend more time reading and dreaming than doing but we're on our way and joining you all here feels like a significant next step!!!
Look forward to 'chatting' soon..
Have been wanting to join in for some time, we're on year 3 of keeping chickens (our first two belonged to the previous owner who was more than happy to let us take charge, throwing us into our much anticipated new 'good' life) and year two of veg/fruit growing. So I've been looking for some new best friends to pinch ideas and inspiration from (there's a lot of chat to be had in this new life, with attention to detail not always appreciated by some people I know!

We had a chicken related trauma last week

Happy as I am to have found my way in, I thought I should introduce myself (and I've also just signed for my subscription of GYO!)... we are truly blessed to live in a lovely spot north of Manchester with woods, water, hills and wildlife (including mink, apparently?!) on our doorstep and we are very much enjoying becoming a part of it all...
We did have 6 chickens but have suffered two deaths due to old age(RIP Beryl and Thora) in the past six months and the viscous attack last week has left us with just three lovely girls... we're planning to replenish our stock in the next few weeks, once we're confident the baddies have been eliminated...
we are fortunate to have more outdoor space than we anticipated we might be able to manage. As well as prettying up the front garden, we got raised beds up and running last year to form the back bone of the kitchen garden. The purchase of a wonderful greenhouse in spring this year has committed us to sowing and growing and what a wonderful time we're having...
We definitely have more enthusiasm than skill and often spend more time reading and dreaming than doing but we're on our way and joining you all here feels like a significant next step!!!
Look forward to 'chatting' soon..