Hello, my name is Sarah and I am a 23 year old only just graduated from being a student in Wales. I am married and me and my OH have one cat, one hampster and one lizard.
We only have a yard and for the past two years have been growing fruit and veg in pots. We moved to a place with a bigger yard this year and so have been growing more things. We are only beginner gardeners and we have had a fair amount of success at just throwing seeds at the ground and hoping they grow (we do more than that of course but we are haphazard gardeners). Last year our sucessess where radishes, rocket and dwarf green beans. This year we have had sucess with courgettes, pumpkins, chillies, strawberries, mixed salads and herbs (thyme mostly a sucess), broad beans and have just started with blueberry and blackcurrant bushes. We also had a heap of green tomatos but were struck with blight before they could ripen but we have used the green tomatos for chutney regardless.
I also like to cook to use the things we grow and we hope to in future have a place with a big enough garden so that we can grow more and also have chickens and other animals with a view to being mostly self sufficient. As I say though it is early days and we have had as many failures as we have had sucesses so this is a distant dream. It is lovely to find a forum with lots of people willing to give advice and help to newbies like myself
We only have a yard and for the past two years have been growing fruit and veg in pots. We moved to a place with a bigger yard this year and so have been growing more things. We are only beginner gardeners and we have had a fair amount of success at just throwing seeds at the ground and hoping they grow (we do more than that of course but we are haphazard gardeners). Last year our sucessess where radishes, rocket and dwarf green beans. This year we have had sucess with courgettes, pumpkins, chillies, strawberries, mixed salads and herbs (thyme mostly a sucess), broad beans and have just started with blueberry and blackcurrant bushes. We also had a heap of green tomatos but were struck with blight before they could ripen but we have used the green tomatos for chutney regardless.
I also like to cook to use the things we grow and we hope to in future have a place with a big enough garden so that we can grow more and also have chickens and other animals with a view to being mostly self sufficient. As I say though it is early days and we have had as many failures as we have had sucesses so this is a distant dream. It is lovely to find a forum with lots of people willing to give advice and help to newbies like myself
