Hi Everyon.
We have had our allotment now since weekend 26th June 2010. 11 weeks (well actuallly 22 days really because we can only work it weekends due to work commitments we both work out of town!!.) When we where offered it )YEY) it was totally overgrown that did not put us off ! so the hard work has paid off and now we have the shed greenhouse and a pond!! all our raised beds are in filled with good soil compost and minure and we have our first veg in. Onion sets, garlic, christmas spuds, sqaush in and pumkins!! strawbs and fruit trees apple pear and cherry All self pollinating In greenhous i have transplanted my peppers and aubergines these are doing so so well! We are so proud and have fallen in love with Lotty xxxxx
Its would be great to here from like minded peeps
lisa and mike xx

Its would be great to here from like minded peeps
lisa and mike xx
