Hello everyone 
I am Kimmy (stay at home Mum) and in West Yorkshire (although originally from the south coast), I am currently renovating a new house and there is an area the children and I are hoping to turn into a vegetable/fruit patch.
However complete novice apart form growing the odd few strawberry plants and potatoes in the past!
So looking to chat with new people and hopefully get some guidance when the time comes to clearing the area we hope to use for this purpose.
Currently the house is taking alot of work but in a few weks we will be able to tackle the gardens and hopefully the weather will not be so bad either!!!!
Look forward to chatting with people

I am Kimmy (stay at home Mum) and in West Yorkshire (although originally from the south coast), I am currently renovating a new house and there is an area the children and I are hoping to turn into a vegetable/fruit patch.
However complete novice apart form growing the odd few strawberry plants and potatoes in the past!
So looking to chat with new people and hopefully get some guidance when the time comes to clearing the area we hope to use for this purpose.
Currently the house is taking alot of work but in a few weks we will be able to tackle the gardens and hopefully the weather will not be so bad either!!!!
Look forward to chatting with people
