Just Joined the ranks today, so thought I had better introduce myself Personal is Martyn ( note the spelling) Lol. So where is my village I hear you ask its 5 miles South of Tamworth Staffs although strictly speaking its now part of North Warwickshire. I was born here but spent a great 28 odd years up in Yorkshire and Have recently returned and I must say I am loving every moment so far!
I have recently built a South facing leanto type greenhouse about 12 feet long
I have a 3/4 built home made 3x2.3 metre poly tunnel on a raised bed system just got the cover delivered so will finish it off next week I still have the doors to construct I have also just constructed a diy wormery and also dug a garden pond so not been hanging about If we have anybody who lives close-ish to me then why not give me a nudge.
By the way I have been unable to drive for nearly 20 years so its all the more exciting to get things done
I hope to gain a few friends by being here so come on folks don't be too shy
I have recently built a South facing leanto type greenhouse about 12 feet long
I have a 3/4 built home made 3x2.3 metre poly tunnel on a raised bed system just got the cover delivered so will finish it off next week I still have the doors to construct I have also just constructed a diy wormery and also dug a garden pond so not been hanging about If we have anybody who lives close-ish to me then why not give me a nudge.
By the way I have been unable to drive for nearly 20 years so its all the more exciting to get things done
I hope to gain a few friends by being here so come on folks don't be too shy
