Hello everyone
I ve been browsing the forum for a few days and getting the mag for the past year. I have a new lottie at Newton. My name is actually Roy and I am looking forward to growing sweetcorn, beans, beetroot, garlic, shallots, onions, courgettes, toms and chillies and cucumbers and..........well you get the idea
I am a newbie so I won't be able to offer much advice but I will really appreciate your advice so I hope you don't mind too many questions.
I ve been browsing the forum for a few days and getting the mag for the past year. I have a new lottie at Newton. My name is actually Roy and I am looking forward to growing sweetcorn, beans, beetroot, garlic, shallots, onions, courgettes, toms and chillies and cucumbers and..........well you get the idea
I am a newbie so I won't be able to offer much advice but I will really appreciate your advice so I hope you don't mind too many questions.