This year, (as of a month ago) I have become the proud owner of my very first greenhouse! It has been previously loved for the last 30 odd years and therefore doesn't owe anything to anyone. Hubby and I have spent the last couple of weekends trying to set it up and I am getting so excited about finally being able to grow my own food...ahhh. It came complete with a very old parrafin heater and I have had it on for the last two days just to monitor if it makes a difference. At the moment it's keeping the GH about two degrees above the outside temp at night. I had it on all day yesterday and the max temp on the thermometer was 17'C. Stinks though.
Indoors, I have quite a lot of very leggy plants, tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower that I started off in an unheated propagator. I didn't realise that you are suppose to take the lid off once they had peeked out. I'm learning, slowly.
I also have my name on a waiting list for an allotment and have been told that I am number 40 and that 9 were allocated last year so I figure that I have about 4 years to learn what I'm doing?!
Should I start off more seeds? Is it worth continuing with leggy seedlings (about a week old and three inches tall!)? When can I start to actually use my greenhouse? I'm trying to be green and the idea of burning parrafin to heat it seems mad, do I need to heat it? I'm sorry that I have so many questions...plenty more too.
This year, (as of a month ago) I have become the proud owner of my very first greenhouse! It has been previously loved for the last 30 odd years and therefore doesn't owe anything to anyone. Hubby and I have spent the last couple of weekends trying to set it up and I am getting so excited about finally being able to grow my own food...ahhh. It came complete with a very old parrafin heater and I have had it on for the last two days just to monitor if it makes a difference. At the moment it's keeping the GH about two degrees above the outside temp at night. I had it on all day yesterday and the max temp on the thermometer was 17'C. Stinks though.
Indoors, I have quite a lot of very leggy plants, tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower that I started off in an unheated propagator. I didn't realise that you are suppose to take the lid off once they had peeked out. I'm learning, slowly.
I also have my name on a waiting list for an allotment and have been told that I am number 40 and that 9 were allocated last year so I figure that I have about 4 years to learn what I'm doing?!
Should I start off more seeds? Is it worth continuing with leggy seedlings (about a week old and three inches tall!)? When can I start to actually use my greenhouse? I'm trying to be green and the idea of burning parrafin to heat it seems mad, do I need to heat it? I'm sorry that I have so many questions...plenty more too.
