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Hi from Northumberland


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  • Hi from Northumberland

    Hi everyone

    I've been browsing this forum for a while now and thought it was about time I got myself signed up. Im a 28 year old lad and have just got my first allotment a few weeks ago having waited on the waiting list for around a year. The plot is a right old mess, has been neglected for a long time and there is so much rubbish including the remains of an old caravan. So the last few weeks have been spent clearing and tidying up but still so much more work to do. I'll get some pictures up soon.

    I've always had a keen interest in growing stuff and last year i decided to have a go at growing potatoes, carrots, courgettes, cucumber, peas and onions in a fairly small patch in the garden. I managed to grow the lot succesfully and surprised myself that I could with it being my first attempt at growing veg. That was what gave me the idea of an allotment as my partner would not let me use any more of the garden and I wanted more land. So I made some enquiries and got myself on a couple of waiting lists and got the call in March saying a plot was available to me and I took it.

    The reason i've signed upto this forum is to hopefully get valuable advice and meet some new people with the same intests as me as I must admit I cant really chat with the lads about my allotment, they all think i'm a bit mad taking one on at my age.

    Oh and that bloody wind yesterday, I've got a small plastic greenhouse which had all my seeds germinating for the last couple of weeks, They were just starting to come through, got it from work yesterday and the wind had blown it over, seeds and soil all over the place so looks like i'll have to start those all over again, was not very happy

    Anyway I think thats enough of me rabbling on now, sorry my first post is so long


  • #2
    Hi David,
    Welcome to the Vine! You should find plenty of good advice and suggestions for your allotment here. And before you know it, you'll be handing it back out to other newbies!
    Sounds like you've already discovered why those little plastic greenhouses are nicknamed 'blowaways' . Sorry to hear about your seedlings, but spring is only just here so you should have plenty of time to catch-up with sowing some more.
    Regards, perkin
    come visit a garden
    or read about mine


    • #3
      Hello David and a very warm welcome to the vine from Jinny cat & Me as well. Hope you enjoy your stay with us.


      • #4

        Yep wind, pets, birds, slugs, kids, other halfs.... they all can hamper those seedlings, but still plenty time.
        Take it easy on the lottie, don't try and do it all. Get some area ready for planting then gradually do the rest.


        • #5
          Hello and a very warm welcome to the "new look" Vine! I have lots of Davids in my family. Himself, son, brother, uncle, cousin, nephew. Coincidentally, the milkman's called David too.
          I had 3 blowaways and guess what? They all blew away, despite having sand bags in the bottom. Hope you have better luck next time.
          Granny on the Game in Sheffield


          • #6
            Hi tyler182

            David welcome to the vine - they are a great bunch here, I have learnt so much from these kind folks!
            Great news about your allotment, at last you can really get going! Sorry about the seedlings - dont give up though, plenty of time to re sow if you have to!
            good to have you with us


            • #7
              Hi David, welcome to the Vine.
              Hope you have a great growing season, after the early setback.

              Help Wildlife.
              Take only photos-leave only footprints-Kill only time.


              • #8
                Thanks for the warm welcome everyone

                Hopefully before long I'll be able to contribute to the forum. Got my 'blowaway' back up yesterday and my seedlings started off again. This time i've got it weighed down with lots of heavy rocks so fingers crossed it will be ok this time.



                • #9

                  Welcome to the vine. It really is a place for good advice and many friendly people who will always help you out.
                  Good luck with the new plot, you will enjoy it, I know I enjoy mine. It's my little haven and I can get lost for hours down there, especially in the summer.


                  • #10
                    Hello, and welcome to the Madhouse, from someone else who talks too much! LOL
                    All the best - Glutton 4 Punishment
                    Freelance shrub butcher and weed removal operative.


                    • #11
                      Hello David and welcome! The same happened to me with my blowaway last year so now is weighted with sandbags

                      Good news on the allotment. What do you plan to grown first?


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