Originally posted by sweetiepea
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I think part of the reason it looked fairly neat and tidy is because I don't grow flowers, as a rule. If I can't eat it, it's not worth my time. So apart from the vegetable beds, there's not much there. The lawn is mostly dandelions (who cares, they're all green, right?). I did have two small lavender bushes between the top two beds nearest the greenhouse, although I've had to dig one up because someone wanted to put a fence post there.
That's why I'm starting to look at companion planting. I don't mind growing things for bees & such, particularly if they're low-maintenance, non-invasive, and have the potential to help the veg. So I'm currently considering hyssop, lovage & borage. What I don't know is whether you're supposed to plant them actually amongst the veg, or just somewhere nearby.